PLC welcomes girls from a wide variety of Christian denominations and other faiths. It’s our belief that students thrive and achieve their personal best in an environment where they feel valued, cared for and affirmed, where there is respect for differences, and acceptance of others. This is the foundation of our Christian heritage.
Our aim is to develop compassionate young women of integrity, with Christian knowledge and an informed understanding of other cultures and faiths. As a whole-school community, girls are encouraged to gain a richer understanding of who God is and to be transformed by His love/Spirit to enable them to serve others and to use their skills and talents to make a life-long, valuable contribution to the world around them.
Christian Ministry
Our Director of Christian Ministry, Reverend Nick Curtis, works with girls and their families in support of their faith, and is assisted by the Student Ministry Co-ordinator, the Senior School Head of Christian Studies and the Junior School Christian Education Teacher. These staff minister to the school community with regular Christian Education classes, assemblies, prayer meetings and chapels.
Our Christian Union group is an optional club for students that meets for friendship and fellowship, organises events, supports various local and global causes, and holds an annual camp. Working with staff, many girls choose to undertake leadership roles in order to raise funds for worthy causes as part of their involvement with the Union.
Prayer groups regularly meet at the school and there is a Connect Night every term for girls and their families to attend. A PLC Christian Family Convention is held every three years.