Our Vision

To form empowered women of character who change the world for good.

Our Mission

To deliver an outstanding education within a Christian context that:

  • prioritises care
  • promotes holistic development and growth
  • personalises learning
  • provides enriching opportunities
  • perpetuates principled living and a service ethic
  • prepares students for their time as scholars, thinkers, citizens, advocates and leaders.

Our Values

Integrity: We seek truth and wisdom to determine what is right and then support each other to do what is right.
Empathy: We aim to recognise, understand and respond appropriately to the thoughts, feelings and circumstances of others. It inspires care, compassion and leadership.
Courage: Courage fosters learning, makes us willing to have a go, to advocate and encourage, be strong and endure.
Delight: We take the time to let awe and wonder restore and inspire us. It sparks our curiosity and creativity, provides perspective and promotes life in all its fullness.
Service: We use our gifts and talents to gladly serve others. To do so is rewarding and fulfilling for us as individuals and a community.

Our Motto 

‘Lex dei vitae lampas’ – The law of God is the lamp of life.

Our Strategic Plan

To view our Empowering Girls Strategic Plan 2023-2027, please click here