The Christian foundation of PLC is expressed in our motto, Lex dei vitae lampas: The law of God is the lamp of life.
PLC is a Christian school that is firm in its faith and its commitment to reflecting the loving nature of God in all areas of school life. We encourage our girls to understand life from a biblical framework, to know God personally and to serve Him throughout their whole lives.
PLC is committed to maintaining and building upon its strong Christian heritage. We actively promote and nurture the Christian faith within the school community and through the Christian Studies core curriculum program that runs from ELC through to Year 12.
We celebrate the Christian message through relevant and contemporary worship experiences, prayer, biblical teaching, by emphasising the links between faith and service, and by endeavouring to reflect Gospel values in all that we do.
We promote the Gospel as foundational to life in many different ways; by providing opportunities for girls to explore the Christian faith; by developing our chaplaincy and ministry programs; and by supporting and encouraging Christian growth and fellowship within the student body and the wider PLC community.
In the Junior School the JOYCE (Joy in Christian Education) Club meets weekly at lunchtime, with girls enjoying a variety of craft activities and games which help to build and encourage faith. In the Senior School, the Christian Union group meets each week to share time together, to pray and investigate the Bible.
Parent Prayer groups are held each fortnight in both Junior and Senior School, and Family Fellowship evenings are held each term. These groups are greatly valued by the school in their support and encouragement of our Christian mission. A popular PLC Christian Family Convention takes place every three years.
Download the College's Christian Ethos statement