We warmly encourage all parents and guardians to be involved in the dynamic life of our school. We believe parents’ participation in school life provides enjoyable opportunities to develop supportive and enduring friendships with other parents, whilst enriching their daughter's experience at school.
PLC has a strong tradition of parent involvement and fundraising that spans many generations. Our community thrives on the support and dedication of families who've laid the groundwork for us. We invite you to join this legacy and help continue the tradition of making a difference in our school.
Joining a PLC Parent Group or volunteering at events enables you to be actively involved in developing and supporting the community, which is an important aspect of being part of the PLC family. It is a great way to meet parents not only from your daughter’s year level but across the whole school.
The parent groups organise and manage social and fundraising activities across the whole school. Community events include Mother’s and Father’s Day breakfast, House Concerts student dinners, Athletics and swimming carnivals and music events. You may be available to volunteer for one event or may like to be more involved with a specific parent group. All parents, guardians and grandparents are welcome.
Getting Involved
To nominate your interest in joining the PLC Parent Groups, or to become a volunteer, please complete this Volunteer Form and one of the Parent Group volunteers will get back to you. For more information, please contact volunteergroups@plc.vic.edu.au
Becoming a Volunteer
As child safety is of the highest importance at PLC, it is a requirement for all volunteers at the School to have a valid Working with Children Check (WWCC). This involves a two-step process:
Step 1 - Applying for or updating your WWCC. Please apply or renew your WWCC here.
Please ensure that PLC is linked to your WWCC registration. More details can be found on the Wyse portal.
Step 2 - Prior to the commencement of any volunteering activities, the School will provide appropriate induction program for volunteers. In addition, all volunteers must acknowledge the School’s Code of Respectful and Responsible Conduct.
The induction link can be accessed here: LinkSafe | Presbyterian College and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Once registered, simply save your Induction Certificate on your phone wallet, and you'll be all set for volunteering at PLC.
Class Representatives
We also encourage participation as PLC Class Representative. Class Representatives are responsible for the welcoming of new parents, organising social events for your particular year level whilst also encouraging the support of events organised by the Parent Groups.
Forthcoming Events
Junior School Father’s day Breakfast
Tue 27 Aug 2024
Seeking volunteers
Go For Gold Winter Ball | Sat 10 Aug 2024 | Seeking volunteers |