At PLC we are committed to being a 21st century future-focused learning community that encourages our students to be scholars, thinkers, citizens, advocates and leaders equipped with the competencies and personal qualities for life and work.
We take an individual approach to advising each student and encouraging her to be an active participant in her own learning.
A confident and optimistic approach to career planning with a growth mindset is our emphasis. Combined with the broader educational curriculum our Careers program provides the skills and resources students require to manage their future pathways.
Through Years 7 and 8, our girls experience an extensive and balanced College curriculum that nurtures the development of their personal interests and skills sets.
In Years 9 and 10 students extend their core curriculum with a range of electives. Year 10 also includes activities designed to begin to nurture their wider skills such as Work Experience.
A Morrisby Profile completed by each Year 10 provides insight into each girls’ interests and strengths. Combined with one-to-one guidance from staff it informs the students’ planning for senior secondary and further tertiary study. Year 10 students commence a portfolio recording their engagement in a wide variety of classroom, extra and co-curricular activities. This provides an ongoing record of their skill development for successful senior and tertiary study as well as future careers.
In Years 11 and 12 students further develop their Career Action Plans and attend individual appointments with the Careers Practitioner. There is a speakers program designed to assist the girls as they navigate the extensive opportunities available to them after Year 12. This includes presentations from the Careers Practitioner, university representatives, Old Collegians and particular topic specialists. Students are continuously supported through the university applications, change of preference and offer processes.