At home. At School.

A PLC Boarding day is never an ordinary day.
After classes, girls move to and from the Boarding House, participating in sports, music, art and a wide range of co-curricular activities offered at the school, before sitting down to dinner and an evening of study, activities and relaxation.
We believe in the importance of maintaining close connections with family and encourage students to return home regularly on the weekend if they live a reasonable distance from the school, or visit relatives who may live locally.
Hear from our current boarders what a day in their life looks like, living at the PLC Boarding House.

"Boarding is a very social experience at PLC"



Daily Routines 

With so many girls all leading busy, active lives, a regular week-day routine is necessary to accommodate the needs of all students.

A typical week day looks like the following:

Monday to Friday  
7.00am–8.15am Breakfast in the Dining Room
8.20am Depart for school
12.50pm Lunch provided in the Dining Room
3.32pm School finishes
3.35pm–4.15pm Afternoon Tea
6.00pm Dinner provided in the Dining Room - all boarders required to attend
7.00pm Prep time
8.30pm Supper
9.00pm Years 7 to 9 boarders prepare for bedtime
Mobile phones and all other technology handed in
9.30pm Lights out for Years 7 to 9 boarders
10.00pm Year 10 boarders prepare for bedtime
Mobile phones and all other technology handed in
10.30pm Lights out for Year 10
Year 11 and 12 boarders into their rooms


Girls can sign out to go shopping locally any weekday after school, or further afield on weekends. Year 7 and 8 girls are accompanied on weekend outings by a boarding house staff member. Year 9–11 girls can go out together in small groups if leave arrangements are approved by Heads of Boarding. Younger girls go in small groups whilst Year 12 students sometimes go unaccompanied.

Boarders may change into casual clothes for the evening meal and uniforms are not worn during weekends.

We would love to hear from you about your Boarding needs. Please contact Admissions on + 61 3 9808 5811 or email:


Boarding House life is an enjoyable and amazing experience. My first year has been filled with abundant support, love and food!
We welcome you to our friendly boarding community and look forward to sharing this special journey with you.
Head of Boarding