PLC aims to nurture, encourage and support our students and help them on their journey to becoming confident and independent, ready to take their place in today's modern world. This process begins from the moment your daughter takes her first steps at PLC.
Our highly skilled staff support the girls as they experience new challenges. In the Senior School, Form Teachers, Year Level Co-ordinators, school counsellors and the teaching staff work closely with one another to support the girls’ progress, and ensure they receive the care and encouragement needed to help them thrive and find their own excellence.
Fellow students play a big part in this process as well. Interpersonal engagement is inspired at PLC through student-led activities, House events and co-curricular programs that include “buddies”, “big sisters” and rich and varied experiences inside and outside the classroom.

Pastoral Care

PLC is large enough to provide a wealth of opportunities, yet small enough for each individual girl to be known, cared for and valued. 

Our Student Wellbeing program is an integral part of an inclusive culture where staff lead by example, students’ voices are valued, and where diversity and personal excellence are celebrated across a school community that champions the development of every individual.

Christian Ministry

PLC welcomes girls from a wide variety of Christian denominations and other faiths.

Mentor Program

Inspiration and guidance are at the heart of PLC's mentoring program for girls in the Junior and Senior Schools.


Our Counselling Department is staffed by qualified, registered psychologists who work closely with the entire PLC community. All services provided are free and confidential.