Stay up-to-date with all of the College's latest news and events. 


Yesterday, on World Environment Day, the children in our Early Learning Centre found inspiration in the remarkable work of Dr Jane Goodall, particularly her dedication to chimpanzees and how she helps to look after our world. When asked recently what was the thing that gives Dr Goodall hope for the future, she answered, “Our young people”. When prompted about ways to contribute to a better world, our young learners voiced insightful suggestions such as “We could turn off the tap” (Lukas), “We can pick up rubbish and put it in the bin” (Sunday) and “We can look after animals” (Harper).


What a weekend! We are thrilled to announce that our nine Aerobics teams, who qualified for the State Finals, have now advanced to the Nationals! The teams brought home an impressive array of medals including three gold, two silver and two bronze. Please join us in congratulating our amazing athletes. They are absolutely bursting with joy – and rightly so! The National competition will be held in Adelaide on August 9 and 10. Just 68 sleeps to go for those of us counting down!


We have launched our Make Waves for Her Wellbeing campaign and invite you to make a gift in support of our new learn to swim facilities and invest in healthier, happier and more successful futures for our students.


Last Saturday, we welcomed back the incredible women of the Class of 2014! It was wonderful to see everyone reconnect and reminisce. The campus tours were a highlight on this beautiful autumn day, especially for our Boarders who loved revisiting their old rooms. Though it’s been a decade, it felt like no time had passed at all. Thank you all for making it a memorable day!


We are thrilled to congratulate Yenaya from Year 4 on her outstanding achievement of securing first place in the 2km cross country race in the girls’ under-10 category at both the School Sports Victoria District and Divisional competitions. Well done Yenaya for your remarkable strength and determination!


Last Friday, our annual PLC Prayer Breakfast saw an impressive turnout of over 100 attendees. We were privileged to welcome Diane Spicer as our guest speaker, a captivating individual of Italian American heritage, originally from New York, who now calls Australia home. Diane shared a compelling narrative of her personal journey, illustrating God's profound transformative power in her life. The morning culminated with a beautiful performance from the PLC Harmony Choir.


This week, we hosted an insightful Careers Showcase event, designed to bridge the gap between educational experience and professional realities. It was wonderful to welcome back six of our inspirational alumni, who shared their diverse and fascinating career journeys with our Senior School students. Anne Renwick (1997) started her career in accounting then upskilled to become a Talent Director in professional services, showcasing the importance of adaptability and continuous learning.


Our PLC cross country team has experienced remarkable growth this year, with 47 girls joining the team. They have already competed in two practice meets, where many students achieved personal bests. Today, the team participated in their first official competition, finishing a consistent 5th place across Junior, Intermediate, Senior and overall categories. We eagerly await the qualifying division results which will be released early next week. Best of luck to the team for the upcoming championship carnival on 31 May at Cruden Farm in Langwarrin.


This week is the Australian Boarding Schools Association (ABSA) National Boarding Week, dedicated to celebrating all things boarding. We are very proud to have over 80 boarders at PLC who come from all over Australia and the world to make up our diverse and vibrant boarding community. To commemorate, the girls brainstormed what they love about boarding and wrote their responses on paper hearts. They ranged from ‘I love boarding because it feels like a family here’ and ‘I love boarding because I have 80 sisters here’ to ‘I love boarding because there is unlimited Nutella’.


We are thrilled to share some exciting news! Our College Council will honour past Principal, Miss Joan Montgomery AM OBE (1943), by naming our new sports, aquatic and fitness facilities, the Montgomery Centre. As Principal from 1969-1985, Miss Montgomery led with vision, dignity and compassion, inspiring generations of young women and staff. She championed physical activity as part of a well-rounded education. The Montgomery Centre will provide students with opportunities to participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities.


A huge thank you to the wonderful guests who joined us at our Mother’s Day breakfast! It was a very special celebration of the invaluable role that our mothers, grandmothers and caregivers play in our community. Our panel discussion touched on many real and heartfelt dialogues about the rollercoaster of motherhood, from its highs to its challenges. We wish all the mothers, grandmothers and caregivers a relaxing, rewarding and very happy Mother's Day this Sunday.


Today, during Assembly, we celebrated the achievements of Jenny and Bianca, who won the recent 2024 National School Debating Championships in Adelaide! The girls were two of only four to be selected from over 150 students to represent Victoria. The National Schools Debating Championships are Australia’s most prestigious high school debating competition and involve one team from each state and territory, who compete in seven preliminary rounds and three finals rounds to be named national champions.