PLC Women of Influence Event

PLC had the honour of hosting a truly inspirational event on Saturday featuring three outstanding Old Collegians. Hosted by Anna Svenson (Hall 2004), our guest speakers, Ash London (2004), Nat Edwards (2004) and Lisa Teh (2001) shared insights into their journeys towards success in the media industry. From navigating the complexities of the media world to strategies and tips for leveraging social media for personal and business branding, they left us truly inspired. One of the highlights was their candid discussion on overcoming challenges in a male-dominated industry. They emphasised the importance of authenticity and staying true to oneself. Their stories of resilience and determination had our guests captivated, reminding us that authenticity is not just a key to success but also a powerful tool for breaking barriers. We're extremely proud to see PLC Alumni such as Ash, Nat and Lisa making waves in their respective fields and paving the way for others. We thank these incredible women for sharing their time, experiences and expertise with us.