PLC's child safety commitment

All students who attend Presbyterian Ladies’ College Melbourne (PLC) have a right to feel and to be safe. The wellbeing and safety of all students in our care is our first priority and we have zero tolerance to child abuse. The protection of students is the responsibility of everyone who is employed at, or is engaged by PLC in child-connected work.
To ensure the safety and best interests of all students, we take into account the needs of those with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage, those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and those with a disability.
All staff at Presbyterian Ladies’ College Melbourne (PLC) take an active role, and are well informed of their obligations in relation to Child Safety under Ministerial Order No. 1359 Child Safe Standards. The PLC Child Safety Commitment is incorporated into the School’s employment cycle from recruitment and reference checking to induction and a commitment to regular Professional Learning.  
All staff employed at PLC are required to sign a statement that they have read, understood and agree to abide by the PLC Child Safety Policy and the PLC Child Safety Staff Code of Conduct


Please refer to our Child Safe and College Policies page for further details.